John Ronquillo: “Aurora Must Sign Agreement with the Colorado Attorney General”

John Ronquillo: "Aurora Must Sign Agreement with the Colorado Attorney General"


NEWSROOM El Comercio de Colorado

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John Ronquillo is running for election as a member of the Aurora City Council. If elected, Ronquillo, who would be representing the entire city as councilor “at large”, assures that he is going to perform professionally and without political bias. “I will work with courtesy and professionalism. I do not intend to indulge in personal attacks or be tied to preconceived agendas. I’m going to make sure to collaborate with my colleagues regardless of their party and their beliefs because community comes first.”

The candidate’s assertions are consistent with his career as a researcher and university professor. Ronquillo has a Ph.D. in Public Administration and has been teaching and researching on topics related to diversity, inclusion, and equity in public policy in the United States. “I face problems objectively and I also seek to solve problems and find solutions that are based on evidence. The combination of these elements is something that I can contribute to the City Council.”

Ronquillo is proud of his life experience. “My first home was an aluminum trailer in the mining area of ​​Arizona. Neither of my parents went to college. They didn’t have the educational opportunities that I had, but they taught me everything they know about hard work,” said this son of Mexican immigrants. Ronquillo, who has been married for 17 years and who has two children, described the city he aspires to represent. “I love Aurora. This is the place that has given my family a sense of stability.”

Police Reform

The reform of the Aurora Police Department (APD) is a matter of interest to Ronquillo. “One of my priorities, if I am elected, would be to make sure we hold the police accountable for their actions. We must prevent things that have happened in the past from happening again,” he said. And he continued, “I read a large part of the report that the Colorado attorney general issued in which he asks that the city reach an agreement to correct the critical areas of the police. Aurora must sign this agreement with the Prosecutor.”

In mid-September, the prosecutor Phil Weiser presented a report in which he assures that the APD has a pattern of behavior and reiterates police surveillance practices based on racial prejudice. According to the report of the prosecution team, the APD lacks solid training, does not keep an adequate record of its procedures; and works with a culture that leads to the use of excessive force. Weiser gave the city a 60-day ultimatum to sign a joint working agreement on the APD. After that period, Weiser would go to court.

Case of the Homeless

Ronquillo believes that the growth of the homeless population is another critical problem that must be tackled. “This is not just Aurora’s problem. It is a regional problem. I believe that we must act in conjunction with other cities in the metropolitan area and turn to the Denver Regional Council of Government (DRCOG) to address this unfortunate issue. We have a large number of people living on the streets and in outdoor camps. Many of them are people who work but cannot afford a home.”