diciembre 21, 2024

“Frente a Frente Con Los Candidatos” Special Section at elcomericaodecolorado.com

Spanish/English Candidate Interviews Available by El Comercio de Colorado; Provides Most Comprehensive Dual-Language 2022 Election Interview Coverage

Visit “Frente a Frente Con Los Candidatos” Special Section at elcomericaodecolorado.com

El Comercio de Colorado is offering the most comprehensive, non-partisan Spanish and English interviews of Colorado candidates through it’s “Frente a Frente con los candidatos” or “Face to face with the candidates” special section found at elcomercio.com

“We are the only ones offering this many interviews with candidates, reflecting the turning point in reaching Hispanic audiences and no longer ignoring the need to reach this influential audience. Our voice matters as do the policies impacting our community” said Jesus Sanchez Melean, Editor of El Comercio de Colorado.

This special section consists of 16 interviews with democrats and republican candidates for different posts in Colorado including the races for congress, governor, and the state legislature, as well as local races for sheriff and Colorado Board of Education.  Each interview has written version and a video with Spanish subtitles. 

“Our objective is that Hispanic speaking community understand of the most important issues on this election.  This innovative effort combines translation and recorded interviews to encourage as much voter participation as possible, removing language barriers for our Spanish speaking community,” said Sanchez Melean.

The following candidates were interviewed for this special section:

  • Jared Polis (D) candidate for Governor
  • Heidi Ganahl (R) candidate for Governor
  • Michel Bennet (D) candidate for Senate
  • Joe O’Dea (R) candidate for Senate
  • Phil Weiser (D) candidate for Attorney Gen
  • John Kellner (R) candidate Attorney Gener
  • Barbara Kirkmeyer (R) candidate District 8
  • Yadica Caraveo (D) candidate Distirct 8
  • Britney Pettersen (D) candidate District 7
  • Erick Addland (R) candidate District 7
  • Lauren Boerbert ( R) candidate District 3
  • Adam Frisch (D)  candidate District 3
  • Mike McInstosh (R) dandidate Sheriff AC
  • Gene Claps (D) Candidate Sheriiff AC
  • Rhonda Solis (d) candidate Colorado Board of Education
  • Molly Lamar (R) candidate Colorado Board of Education