“La Cúspide”, strengthening education and community in colorado

"La Cúspide", strengthening education and community in colorado

CSPC | Lorena Garcia. (Photos/El Comercio Colorado)


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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Alberto Pérez arrived at The Curtis Hotel in downtown Denver with the need to acquire new knowledge that can benefit the development of his autistic son. “I attended this event organized by the Colorado Parents Coalition (CSPC) because I value this opportunity that Hispanic families have to confirm information we had previously obtained and to acquire new knowledge regarding the autism spectrum. This year, about 10 families with children being treated for this condition came here together,” Perez said.

This father emphasizes that participating in the event called “La Cúspide” has allowed him to listen to expert presentations. “I also find it important to establish connections with other families with children on the autism spectrum. I feel that we provide support to each other and share guidance,” he added. Pérez is correct about the relevance and positive impact that “La Cúspide” has on the community by informing families about health, education, job opportunities, immigration, among many other aspects.

"La Cúspide", strengthening education and community in colorado

Inclusive space for Spanish speakers

“At this event, we create an inclusive space for Spanish-speaking families. We provide the opportunity to establish connections, build networks, and make friendships in an environment that offers resources and opportunities in Spanish. For many Hispanic immigrant families, this event represents a gateway to a world of possibilities and support for their children’s development,” said Lorena Garcia, director of the Colorado Parent Coalition and representative in the Colorado legislature.

García shared an experience that exemplifies the impact of “La Cúspide.” “Last year, we met a participant who came with her husband. Shortly before leaving, that gentleman approached me to confess that he had understood the importance of his role in supporting his children that day. He decided to return this year. ‘The Peak ‘ contributes to changing mindsets and breaking traditional roles assigned to women in Latino communities. These shifts in perspective are invaluable and justify the value of the event,” García asserted.

"La Cúspide", strengthening education and community in colorado

AS A FAMILY | Olivia Hernandez and Luis Barraza.

Training caregivers and educators of children

Luis Barraza confirms what García stated. “This event allows me to see the fundamental role that women play in the community. I reiterate my commitment as a husband and father to put into practice what we have learned here for the benefit of the community at large,” Luis said before giving the floor to his wife, Olivia Hernández. “I want to learn more and be more involved in the community to obtain valuable resources that I can share with other families and the children under my care,” she said.

Like Olivia, Annie Rincón is a graduate of the Paso Institute program, an initiative of the CSPC. “This event highlights the crucial role of caregivers and early childhood educators in transforming society. We are the first link in the formation of children, and our work is essential to close the educational gap and ensure that Latino children are included and have the same opportunities as their peers in the school system,” Rincón stated.

"La Cúspide", strengthening education and community in colorado


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