septiembre 16, 2024

DPS Investigates Allegation of “Detention Room” at McAuliffe International

DPS Investigates Allegation of "Detention Room" at McAuliffe International DPS investiga denuncia sobre “sala de encarcelamiento” en McAuliffe International


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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The Denver educational community is shocked by allegations of the existence of a “detention room” at McAuliffe International School (MIS), an innovation institution supervised by the Denver Public Schools (DPS) district. The controversy arises after it was revealed that, under the leadership of the recently dismissed school principal Kurt Dennis, a room was established where students, possibly with disabilities, were confined.

The DPS Board has launched a comprehensive investigation to clarify these events. Board members referred to the room as a “prison” rather than a de-escalation space, as characterized by the previous school administration. Board Vice President Auon’tai Anderson stated that this information was received from a “brave” informant, and the shared images show a lock on Room 121E’s door and a padlock on a school window.

The matter has been referred to the Denver Police Department for further investigation. The situation is compounded by potential racial discrimination, as it was hinted that the affected students could have been African American or Latino, shifting the discussion not only towards the wrong methods of addressing behavioral issues but also evaluating “systemic racism” in education and the need to address it.

Removed Principal’s Attorney

Kurt Dennis’s lawyer, David Lane, has argued against the perception that the room was a form of detention. According to Lane, the room was established to accommodate two students with individualized education plans for special education, an attempt to provide them with a suitable environment for their needs. However, DPS policies clearly prohibit the use of isolation or confinement rooms.

The community is divided between those who consider this an invention to harm Kurt Dennis and those who see a systemic failure in the education system in the way students, especially those with disabilities, are treated. A spokesperson from AdvocacyDenver, an organization advocating for the rights of children and adults with disabilities, claims to have lodged multiple complaints against MIS for their treatment of students with special needs, highlighting a long-standing concern.

De-escalation vs. isolation

DPS has issued a clarifying statement in response to community concerns. The distinction between “de-escalation” and “isolation” has been highlighted, explaining that de-escalation involves techniques to calm an angry or distressed student in a controlled environment, whereas isolation involves locking the student away until they calm down, which goes against DPS police.

It is essential to note that innovation schools, like MIS, have considerable autonomy in their operation. However, this does not exempt the school or DPS from adhering to current policies and regulations concerning student well-being. The controversy underscores the importance of maintaining high standards in education and the treatment of students, especially those with special needs.

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DPS Investigates Allegation of “Detention Room”

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