febrero 10, 2025

Get Tested

Hágase la prueba Get Tested

Recommended for all with Symptoms

Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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Thanks to increased access to testing supplies, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is encouraging anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 to speak with a health care provider to get tested. Colorado’s state lab has acquired significantly more testing supplies and adequate processing capacity.

As a result, the entire state of Colorado, including private partners, has the ability to test everyone with COVID-19 symptoms, as well as expand surveillance testing. There are currently more than 35 testing sites open to the public across Colorado, including both free sites supported by the state lab and sites operated by private providers.

If You Have Symptoms, Get Tested

Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle pain, loss of taste or smell, and chills. A test will provide the diagnosis if you have the virus. If you test positive, please isolate yourself and members of your household. Ask for food and financial help if need be.

Workers’ Protections

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, remember that worker’s protections are in place to facilitate self-quarantine, both for your own health and recovery and for the safety of everyone around you. Federal law requires up to two weeks paid leave for those working for employers with fewer than 500 employees.

Colorado can now test
• Any individual who has COVID-19 symptoms.
• Any individual who is employed as a health care worker, nursing home worker or first responder.
• Any essential worker who directly interacts with the public while working, per state or employer guidelines.

Map of testing locations here

Resources available for those afflicted with COVID-19

The Colorado Health Emergency Leave with Pay Rules (“Colorado HELP Rules”)

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