septiembre 16, 2024

Guest Columnist – Defending Ethics and Student Safety in DPS

Defending Ethics and Student Safety in DPS Defendiendo la ética y la seguridad de los estudiantes en DPS

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Bernard Douthit

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The facts are clear in the recent case of a now former Denver Public Schools (DPS) Principal who was fired because he broke the law and did it in a self-serving and unkind way that was unnecessary. Kurt Dennis, former Principal at McAuliffe International School, was fired because he violated a federal student privacy law known as FERPA by intentionally sharing confidential student records with the local news media.

We strongly support DPS Superintendent Alex Marrero’s decision to terminate Mr. Dennis. This decision does not equate to a disregard for student safety. Instead, it underscores the importance of adherence to laws and ethical standards in our educational institutions. McAuliffe parents allied with Mr. Dennis and an influential subset of school leaders from DPS Innovation zones have been spreading misinformation about this situation.

These biased perspectives that leave out important facts about this case have dominated recent media coverage. Not surprisingly, the views of others without the same resources and connections have not received equal media coverage. We must closely scrutinize how power and privilege function within our District and prioritize the voices of those whose lived experiences give them the understanding necessary to solve these issues effectively.

Mr. Dennis’s termination reveals he had a pattern of discrimination against marginalized students. Other reasons for his dismissal include violating District discipline protocol by attempting to forcibly transfer a student, providing false information to a justice officer, and a recurring pattern of discrimination complaints against him since 2021. He also used his DPS email address for his personal and political agenda in 2022, spreading misinformation to McAuliffe families.

Defending Ethics and Student Safety in DPS Defendiendo la ética y la seguridad de los estudiantes en DPS

This situation has brought forth legitimate concerns about safety within DPS. Alarmingly, we are witnessing the fear of gun violence extend beyond socioeconomically challenged neighborhoods into affluent areas, shattering the illusion of safety afforded by wealth. This fear, whether a new reality for some or a generational trauma for others, is universally unacceptable.

Regardless of their connections to power, every leader must be held accountable for their actions. A key measure of our District’s strength is its commitment in words and actions to supporting the most vulnerable students – those with disabilities, people  experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, refugees, and the criminalized. Advocating for their rights and ensuring their safety is our responsibility.

Disappointingly, all the candidates vying for the at-large position on our school board have publicly backed Mr. Dennis’s reinstatement. These individuals must confront some difficult questions. Can they endorse a principal going on prime-time TV to display a confidential student record? Is it appropriate to exploit another student’s tragedy for personal gain? How many discrimination complaints can they dismiss in supporting an individual they deem “exemplary”?

Public schools are the cornerstone of our society, tasked with serving all students equally. Any suggestion that a child “doesn’t belong” is unacceptable. We must create an environment where all children feel safe, loved, and valued. It’s time to ask ourselves: who among us will champion this cause, even when it means standing up to their friends and allies?

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Defending Ethics and Student Safety in DPS