octubre 15, 2024

Whispering Pines Residents Avoid Eviction

Whispering Pines Residents Avoid Eviction Residentes del Whispering Pines se salvan del desalojo

WHISPERING PINES | Residents await improvements to their apartments. (Photos/El Comercio de Colorado)


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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Geraldine, a Colombian resident of the Whispering Pines apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, recently received a letter that could change the course of her community. “A paper arrived saying that another administration had taken over and that we had to pay the rent on time,” she comments. A new company, PMI Aspire, has taken over the complex that was owned by CBZ, which abandoned the property in June 2024. Geraldine hopes things will improve but has her reservations.

“They tell us there’s no office or mailbox, that we have to send the check or pay through the internet portal,” she expresses. Geraldine would prefer an office in the same building where she could make her payments safely and directly. PMI Aspire detailed in their communication that rent is due on the first day of each month and that payments can be made by sending a check or money order, or through a web portal using a bank account or debit or credit cards.

Plumbing, Leaks, Floors, and Darkness

However, PMI Aspire emphasizes that they do not accept cash payments or deposits in building mailboxes. They also urge tenants to continue paying utilities and to submit maintenance requests through the web portal. Geraldine confesses that she hasn’t paid rent in two months. “We are not opposed to paying rent, but we are waiting for them to fix many things. We turn on the shower faucet with pliers. The walls have leaks. The floors are damaged. The hallways have no lights,” the tenant notes.

Despite the difficulties, there are small improvements to highlight. “They have been coming to clean, that’s true. It’s the only change I’ve seen,” acknowledges Geraldine. She also mentions the installation of surveillance cameras: “Now we have something to watch people and improve security. There are cameras everywhere now.” Another resident, Rubén from Ecuador, adds, “They should improve things, I think, and I also believe they need to invest in the entire structure”.

Aurora’s Administrator Speaks

Jason Batchelor, Aurora’s City Manager, confirmed that PMI Aspire has assumed management of the complex through a legal process known as “receivership.” “The property’s lender went to court and requested permission to appoint a third party to take over the operations of this property,” Batchelor explains. This move occurred after the city initiated the process to close Whispering Pines for being a “criminal nuisance”.

Batchelor details that the new administration is already taking significant measures: “They have brought in plumbers, electricians, are fixing the property, and will start collecting rent.” Additionally, the company has reinstated trash collection services and hired pest control. The City of Aurora is collaborating closely with PMI Aspire. “We are open to continuing to work with them if they want police officers there beyond the initial two weeks,” Batchelor indicates.

“Our expectation is that it will be a little better in a month, better in two months, and will continue improving over time,” assures Batchelor. He acknowledges that the complex has lacked active management for months and that there is much work to be done, but he is confident that with effort and collaboration, the living conditions of the residents will significantly improve. Meanwhile, Geraldine and her neighbors remain hopeful. “We are normal people who want our families to live comfortably,” she emphasizes.

Whispering Pines Residents Avoid Eviction Residentes del Whispering Pines se salvan del desalojo

NEW ADMINISTRATOR | Message from PMI Aspire.

See residents’ reactions

(Video/El Comercio de Colorado)

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