septiembre 28, 2024

Day laborers are protected against wage theft in Denver

A new tool to help victims of wage theft Nueva herramienta para víctimas del robo de salarios Los trabajadores por día están protegidos contra el robo de salarios Day laborers are protected against wage theft in Denver

the Auditor at your service

Timothy M. O’Brien, CPA, Auditor of Denver


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My Denver Labor team protects all workers in the City and County of Denver, regardless of their immigration status.In our city, many undocumented people take jobs just for one day, such as gardening, cleaning, or construction work. Unfortunately, in some cases these day laborers receive less than the wages they were promised, or they return home without a single dollar of their pay.

Not receiving the promised wage is a common example of wage theft, and that is considered illegal in our city. At Denver Labor, we investigate these cases and help recover wages for underpaid workers, even if they are undocumented. However, there are some tips that day laborers can follow to protect themselves against this crime, which is one of the most common in the country and considerably impacts the immigrant community.

Before the job

Make sure the payment amount is clearly expressed in writing, even by email or text message. Take notes of the employer’s name and the address where you will perform the work. If necessary, take pictures of the vehicle that takes you to the job site and phone screenshots of the messages that express the negotiated pay.

My office recovers $500,000 for workers to start the year Auditor's Office Works for You

During the job

Keep a record of the time or hours you worked and take pictures of the job site before and after performing work. Take a selfie showing that you completed the required tasks.

After the job

Keep all photos, emails or text messages, and any information that you collected. You may need it later if you have not been paid and Denver Labor starts an investigation.

If you tell us about your case, these tips may help speed up the investigation process, and therefore, we may help recover the money you are owed more quickly. Also, remember that day laborers can talk to their employers about their wage rights and that employer retaliation is illegal. If someone threatens you by saying they will report you to immigration because you are asking for the money you rightfully earned, please don’t be intimidated.

My team has created an educational brochure with relevant information for day laborers. You can download it by scanning the QR code below or contact our team directly with your wage questions or complaints at [email protected].

Useful information for day laborers

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