septiembre 7, 2024

Empowering Commerce City

Empowering Commerce City Fortaleciendo a Commerce City

IN COMMERCE CITY | Representative Yadira Caraveo and Secretary Xavier Becerra toured the facilities of Kid First Health Care accompanied by Whitney Gustin Connor, executive director of that organization. (Photo / District 8 Colorado Press)

A Vision for Economic Growth and Equity

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I am so proud to represent Commerce City in Congress. This city is full of hardworking and welcoming people, delicious food, and diverse small businesses that celebrate the full potential of Colorado’s agriculture, woven with the flavors and colors of the Latino community.

Commerce City is not just a large suburb or a constituency to be managed; it is an economical engine in waiting, with unlimited potential yet to be unlocked. This is why I have spent the last several months working hard to bring federal investments and direct the attention of senior government officials toward Commerce City.

Millions of dollars coming to Commerce City

With the population booming in Commerce City, there is a very clear need for road expansion and safety improvements. I worked proactively on this issue and secured $4,116,279 in federal funding that will be invested to expand Chambers Avenue into a four-lane divided highway between 105th Avenue and 116th Avenue.

The addition of a median throughout the highway and the construction of a signal at the intersection with 117th Avenue will provide additional safety measures, while the implementation of sidewalks or trails on both sides of the highway heightens pedestrian safety.

These investments are necessary to continue providing a vital north-south throughway in Commerce City used by residents, workers, and travelers, while also implementing safety measures for the increased security of all users.

Standing Up for Latino Patients and Latino Health Professionals

As one of the only physicians in Congress, one of my top priorities is making sure that Coloradans can access the healthcare they need and purchase prescription drugs without facing unnecessary barriers.

I recently had the pleasure of welcoming Secretary Xavier Becerra of the Department of Health and Human Services to Kids First Health Care on Colorado Boulevard. As two Latinos serving in the federal government, we are both working very hard to make sure underserved communities are getting the healthcare they need. We are two Latinos who have seen firsthand the healthcare challenges Latinos face in this country.

We’ve seen the language barriers that make it difficult for patients to verbally describe their struggles. We understand the financial burden that comes with getting the right medication with the prescribed doses. We have seen the need for patients to have doctors that look like them and speak like them so that they can establish a doctor-patient relationship built on trust.

I am proud to reiterate my commitment to serve the people of Colorado’s 8th District by fighting for the resources and services they need.

Commerce City’s Small Businesses are on the Map

As a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), I was proud to welcome to Commerce City the U.S. Commerce Department Deputy Secretary Don Graves and CHC Chair Nanette Barragán from Southern California. We have a wealth of incredible Latino-owned small businesses that contribute so much to the community and strengthen the local economy of Commerce City. But these small business owners need our help.

During the event I hosted with Deputy Secretary Graves and Chair Barragán, we highlighted the positive impact that the Minority Business Development Agency Act has had in Colorado. These historic investments help small businesses thrive in our community.

Small businesses are an essential component of Commerce City. From the flavors of our cuisine to the colors of our agriculture, and the textures of our crafts, I am committed to stand up for small business owners in our community and help them succeed in their endeavors.

Some of my latest efforts standing up for small businesses include the bipartisan Prove it Act to protect our small businesses from government overreach and burdensome regulations, as well as the bipartisan Resolution to recognize Hispanic Restaurant Week, honoring the contributions of Hispanic restaurant owners and employees across the nation.

It is my honor to help build the path to success for Commerce City. I will continue to bring the voices of Commerce City to Washington, just as I’ve brought top officials from Washington to Commerce City.

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