septiembre 18, 2024

7-day Ultimatum to Evacuate Camps Representing Health and Safety Risks in Denver

7-day Ultimatum to Evacuate Camps Representing Health and Safety Risks in Denver Ultimátum de 7 días para desalojar campamentos que representen riesgos a salud y seguridad en Denver


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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Denver Mayor Michael Johnston announces that the city will dismantle camps that pose a risk to the safety and health of neighborhoods. The occupants of these camps will receive a 7-day ultimatum before city authorities act. Camps that obstruct public right-of-way or are located on private property will also be dismantled.

Before closing these camps, as explained by Johnston, a notice will be issued 7 days in advance, giving camp residents time to gather their belongings and plan their next steps. The mayor assures that teams from the Department of Housing Stability (HOST) will visit the camps to provide support and resources to the homeless to help them secure housing and mental health treatments.

Objective for the End of 2023

Johnston reiterates that his administration is working to ensure that about a thousand individuals can secure sheltered housing by the end of 2023. To achieve this goal, the mayor formed seven working groups comprising Denver residents representing various industries and electoral districts. These groups will gather input from city residents to find solutions in various areas.

Furthermore, Johnston explained that the city is seeking funding sources to build affordable housing units and has submitted requests for federal funds to establish a navigation center for the homeless. On another note, the mayor indicated that the Denver Housing Authority supports the proposal to acquire a 194-unit hotel and convert it into a shelter for the homeless.

Listening to the Community

Mayor Johnston reiterates his commitment to listening to the public through regular town hall meetings in each district of the city. “With these measures and joint efforts, the city of Denver aims to address the homeless crisis comprehensively and compassionately, providing effective and dignified solutions for its vulnerable residents,” Johnston concluded.

Learn about upcoming community meetings

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7-day Ultimatum to Evacuate Camps

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7-day Ultimatum to Evacuate Camps

7-day Ultimatum to Evacuate Camps