febrero 11, 2025

El Comercio de Colorado Awarded by NAHP

El Comercio de Colorado Awarded Premiado El Comercio de Colorado por la NAHP

CELEBRATING| Brenda Aguilera; Jesus Sanchez Melean; y Andrés Chaparro, board members. (Foto/ William Rollins-El Comercio de Colorado)


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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El Comercio de Colorado (EC) has won four prizes in the 31st iteration of the José Martí Awards. This award is given annually by the National Association of Hispanic Publications (NAHP) and rewards the regular work of around 400 publications that serve the Hispanic audience in 39 states in the US as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

“2020 has been a year of evolution for all businesses especially print media. Publications that have received NAHP honors are doing a great job of providing high quality editorial work and credible news to their audiences. These awards also show strong commitment to the audiences they serve,” said Fanny Miller, NAHP president.

The NAHP presented a hundred awards in the categories of editorial work, design, photographs, web pages, marketing, and general performance. El Comercio de Colorado was recognized in the “Outstanding Less Than Weekly Newspaper” with a silver award. El Comercio de Colorado also received awards in the categories of “Outstanding Front Page” with a bronze award and “Outstanding Newspaper Design” with a silver award in Hispanic press. 

Managers Speak


Another important recognition made by this publication is made in regard to editorial content. El Comercio de Colorado was awarded “Outstanding Health Section” with a bronze for Hispanic media in the US. “These awards fill us with satisfaction. We are living in a time of growth and expansion to serve our audience,” said Jesus Sanchez Melean, director of the publication, who was elected to join the new NAHP board.


Sanchez Melean thanked the entire editorial team for “Having added their effort, knowledge, and enthusiasm for this important achievement.”

El Comercio de Colorado Awarded  Premiado El Comercio de Colorado por la NAHP

He went on to say, “It has been a very busy year for all of us who make up El Comercio de Colorado. Imagine the joy that comes with knowing that we have been awarded ‘Outstanding Health Section’ within Hispanic press in the United States. A great honor.”

Andrés Chaparro, also board member of the publication, said, “The set of innovations that we have applied to these publications since October 2019 has yielded great results. We are a platform of high-quality content. And these awards are just confirmation. Meanwhile, Brenda Aguilera, the third board member of the publication, emphasized, “Our printed version is the one that covers the largest geographic area in the state. And we continue to innovate in the electronic version and on social networks.”

El Comercio de Colorado Awarded  Premiado El Comercio de Colorado por la NAHP

The Jose Martí Awards 2020


Awards received by
El Comercio de Colorado


  • Outstanding Less Than Weekly Newspaper- Silver Award
  • Outstanding Design Newspaper-Silver Award
  • Outstanding Front Page- Bronze Award
  • Outstanding Health Section- Bronze Award

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