Coloradans to decide Trump’s competition


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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Over three-million voters in Colorado received ballots for the upcoming presidential election. So far, more than five-hundred thousand persons have voted. Authorities recommend that after February 27th, voters avoid sending ballots by mail and instead vote in person. Colorado voters have until 7 p.m. March 3 to make their voices heard.

This is the first presidential primary in Colorado in more than two decades. Thought this time around unaffiliated voters can also participate in the primaries. The unaffiliated received two ballots by mail, one Republican and one Democrat. They are only allowed to complete one, however. Unaffiliated voters represent about 40 percent of total voters. According to data from the Colorado Secretary of State, one-hundred thousand unaffiliated voters have already voted.

Another different thing this time is that those under 18 can vote. A new Colorado law allows teens as young as 17 to cast their vote if they turn 18 by the time the general elections are held on November 3rd. Teens will be mailed their ballot along with a guide that explains the voting process.

The Democratic Ballot

Those who plan to vote for Republican candidates have a little problem, however. President Trump appears on the Republican ballot alongside five other unknown candidates. Trump is the only candidate with the potential to win the primary. Meanwhile, 17 candidates appear on the democratic ballot. Only 8 of those candidates remain in the race for presidential candidacy. Democratic preferences in Colorado are divided between Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg.