Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado
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The Farm Workforce Modernization Act passed the House of Representatives with a strong bipartisan vote of 260-165. The legislation includes provisions to stabilize the current domestic workforce by creating an earned legalization process, as well as improvements to the current H-2A program including wage relief. Each year growers across the country face uncertainty as to whether there will be enough labor to harvest the crop.
The passing of the bill is applauded by many associations. “The legislation will stabilize the current agricultural workforce by creating a process for them to gain work authorization to continue working in agriculture. It also brings needed modernization and cost containment to the H-2A agricultural guest worker program,” said Jim Bair President and CEO of the U.S. Apple Association.
The legislation opens the possibility for undocumented immigrant laborers to apply for a work permit for five years, which they can renew if they continue to be employed in agriculture. “There is no doubt the agricultural industry has waited many years for an immigration reform bill to address the labor concerns,” stated Ian LeMay, President of the California Fresh Fruit Association.
Bipartisan approach
Tom Nassif, Western Growers Association’s CEO, highlighted the bipartisan negotiations that led to H.R. 5038 approval. He invited the Senate to keep the same approach.” Both the Senate and President Trump must be willing to take the political stand that is required to ensure the continued production of an abundant, safe and affordable domestic food supply. Our farmers are depending on the present actions of Congress and the Administration,” said Nassif.
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