Back to school with masks

Back to school with masks Vuelta a clase con máscaras


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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The Biden administration has appealed to the authorities of several states that intend to prohibit the mandates of masks in schools. Specifically, the federal government made a specific call to the governors of Florida and Texas, not to prevent students from safely returning to class with their actions.

The Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, defended the return to the classroom despite the expansion of the delta variant, responsible for 93 percent of the covid-19 infections in the country. Cardona stressed that the school community has the “tools” and “resources” to guarantee a “safe” face-to-face education.

The senior official addressed the issue of governors who have announced that they do not plan to follow the sanitary guidelines of promoting indoor masks. Even those governors, all Republicans, want to prohibit children from being required to wear them in classrooms. Cardona stressed that politics should not interfere with education.

Concern about adult reaction

“Don’t be the reason our schools are disrupted. Our children have suffered enough already. Let’s do what we know works,” Cardona said. The secretary said the time has come for students to go back to class and partisan “politics” cannot be allowed to stand in the way of what is “best” for school children.

Cardona acknowledged in any case to be concerned about the actions of “some adults” getting “in the way of the reopening of schools”, but insisted that it is not possible to return to the remote system of 2020 because students “deserve more.” He also launched another message to the teachers’ unions.

Some unions have expressed reluctance to return to class at this time due to the expansion of the delta variant. Cardona insisted that schools have enough tools and recommendations to work safely. The official outlined the additional measures to promote vaccination with the return to classes.

Back to school with masks Vuelta a clase con máscaras

Pediatricians answer questions

According to the White House, the National Association of Parents and Teachers (PTA) has asked its 22,000 members to organize talks with parents to promote vaccination. Pediatricians will attend these events thanks to the agreement of this organization with the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The goal is to inform parents and allow them to ask any questions they want about the need to vaccinate their children. The White House reported that the main medical associations have also agreed to urge all doctors in the country to promote vaccination in the physical exams they do to students for their sports competitions.

On the other hand, until August 15 there will be a new campaign to promote vaccination, in which influential celebrities will participate with the youth, local authorities and thousands of volunteers, and which will include, among others, Cardona himself and his husband from Vice President Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff.

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