Adams and Douglas Counties Reject Migrants Sent by Denver

Adams and Douglas Counties Reject Migrants Sent by Denver Adams y Douglas rechazan migrantes enviados por Denver

HOMELESS | Migrant families have joined the population sleeping on the streets of Denver. (Photo/Facebook)


Newroom El Comercio de Colorado

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As revealed in the report prepared by the non-partisan organization Common Sense Institute, in the first 10 months of 2023, various agencies in Denver have assisted nearly 25,000 immigrants. The cost of providing support to these immigrants has exceeded 28 million dollars, surpassing the anticipated maximum budget of 11 million.

These figures, based on official information released by the Shelter and Immigrant Assistance Services Office of Denver, indicate that around 18,000 immigrants transported by bus from the Mexican border to Denver received direct assistance from the city. This assistance included at least one night of accommodation and a minimum of three meals.

Migrant Assistance Reaches 40 Million

The average stay for these immigrants in municipal shelters is 18 days. Between 2,000 and 3,000 still depend on Denver to have a place to sleep, while between 2,300 and 2,500 migrants are still accommodated in local charity centers. The Common Sense Institute reports that an average of 3,000 new immigrants arrive in Denver from Texas each month.

Based on the continuing influx of immigrants and the cost of providing for them, the report concludes that the city will have invested approximately 40 million dollars by the end of 2023. This is the same amount that Denver annually allocates in its budget to assist the homeless.

Adams and Douglas Counties Reject Receiving Migrants

Local authorities considered sending some immigrants to nearby counties, which generated strong opposition from these counties. For example, the commissioners of Douglas County requested that Denver Mayor Mike Johnston “not send immigrant population,” stating that they represent “a threat to public health and safety.”

Meanwhile, Adams County will only accept immigrants when the county’s health authorities approve each of them. Approval will be based on vaccine verification, chronic illnesses, and potentially contagious diseases acquired while traveling through unhygienic environments and countries with a potential for disease transmission.

Migrants Sleeping on the Streets

The new census of homeless individuals conducted in Denver found that “whole families of immigrants, including children and babies,” sleep in tents or outdoors, covered by tarps, in parks and public places near the city center. Immigrants sleep outdoors, covered by tarps, in parks and public places in downtown Denver.

In response to this situation, Denver has announced that it will activate its cold weather shelter plan, including immigrants in the plan for the first time. At the same time, municipal authorities have called for greater cooperation from non-profit organizations to assist newcomers.

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Adams and Douglas Counties Reject Migrants Sent by Denver