septiembre 16, 2024

A Christmas Posada for the Community

A Christmas Posada for the Community Una Posada Navideña para la comunidad

Photos | Valentina Valenzuela and Nickalaus Walker


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

Haga click aquí para leer la versión en español

The Ocampo Hall in Denver, Colorado, brimmed with holiday spirit during the Christmas Posada organized by Luz González. This celebration seamlessly blended the essence of Mexican posadas with festive American elements. This annual event, driven by both small and large businesses, has become a hallmark of the Christmas season for the past five years.

A Christmas Posada for the Community Una Posada Navideña para la comunidad

CHRISTMAS POSADA | Luz González, organizer.

In addition to the shared joy, the Christmas Posada featured traditional Mexican food and drinks, along with goodie bags and toys for all the attending children. No little one went home empty-handed, solidifying the success of this community event that aims to bring families together in the spirit of Christmas.

Una Posada Navideña para la comunidad
Una Posada Navideña para la comunidad

GIVING SUPPORT| Ricardo and Fedra Novelo with their son Alfonso.

Una Posada Navideña para la comunidad
Una Posada Navideña para la comunidad

(Vídeo/El Comercio de Colorado)

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