John Walsh seeks to be Denver District Attorney

John Walsh seeks to be Denver District Attorney John Walsh busca ser Fiscal de Denver

CANDIDATE | John Walsh. (Photo/El Comercio de Colorado)


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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John Walsh is participating in the first Democratic primary to select the candidate for Denver District Attorney. Walsh, an experienced attorney, and former United States Attorney for the District of Colorado from 2010 to 2016, emphasized the particular importance of the Democratic primary in the city and county of Denver given the number of registered Democratic voters.

The candidates emerging from the primary, which will take place in June 2024, will go on to the general election in November 2024. Walsh has demonstrated strong community support by raising over $183,000 in just two months of campaigning. This candidate has significantly outperformed others in the quarterly reporting period.

The candidate says the road ahead is still long. Walsh says, “There are several months of primary ahead, and then we will think about reaching November. “The important thing right now is to participate in the primaries. Voters must get involved in this crucial phase. It’s not just about thinking about the general election in November. We hope they support us from now on.”

What is the role of the Denver District Attorney?

Walsh explains that the Denver District Attorney must take the lead on public safety matters in the city. “The prosecutor plays a fundamental role in enforcing the law and protecting the community against crime and criminal activity. I have no doubt that from this position, we help build a better future for the city,” says Walsh.

One of the specific challenges that Walsh identifies as a priority for his administration is vehicle theft. According to Walsh, “this crime has a significant impact on working families. The most frequently stolen cars are those commonly used by these families. We must have a collaborative effort to combat thefts.”

Walsh refers to the need for the city of Denver and its prosecutor to work together with the state of Colorado and the federal government to succeed in reducing these crimes. This candidate emphasized the need to create a specialized group, or “task force,” to ensure the safety of families.

Watch the interview with John Walsh.

Learn about the candidate

John Walsh busca ser Fiscal de Denver

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