Guest Columnist – Energy Independence vs Energy Dependant

Energy Independence vs Energy Dependant Independencia vs dependencia Energética

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Hugo Chavez-Rey

President – Colorado Hispanic Republicans

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Before Joe Biden took office on January 20, 2021 The United States was energy independent and a net exporter of oil & gas, thanks to the policies of the previous administration under the leadership of Donald Trump. Then on January 20, 2021, with the swipe of a pen, Joe Biden set the U.S. back 5 years by canceling the XL Keystone pipeline, and by freezing oil leases on public lands.

In addition, the Biden administration proceeded to put a stranglehold on the energy industry by implementing draconian regulations designed to cripple oil and gas companies across the U.S. Why did Joe Biden do those things? To appease the radical New Green Deal radicals in his party. No other reason. The price of a gallon of gasoline is skyrocketing in America and our president is going around to countries who hate America begging for oil.

The Biden administration is talking to countries like Iran and Venezuela asking them for more oil. What do you suppose those countries will do with their oil profits? Iran, the number one sponsor of terror will use it to continue their march towards nuclear weapons, and its sponsorship of terrorism around the globe. The dictator Maduro in Venezuela will broaden its stranglehold of the people of his country.

But that’s what the president believes is the best course of action. Allow me to suggest a much better course of action. One that would not give one red cent to the enemies of America. The president could start by reversing his edict which closed the pipeline bringing oil in from Canada and Alaska. He could reverse the regulations which prevent the oil companies from drilling profitably.

You have heard about the alleged 9,000 oil leases going unused by the oil companies. What you won’t hear is why those leases are worthless. They sit on land that has very little production capability. You won’t hear that the government is purposefully not issuing leases on public lands where most of the oil reserves reside. The dirty little secret is that we have enough oil and gas reserves in our own ground to sustain this country for centuries.

More than enough time to develop some viable renewable options. At the moment, none of the renewable energy options are sufficient to replace fossil fuels, None!  The argument that you will hear from the left is that its for the environment. So it begs the question; is oil drilled in other parts of the world any less damaging to the environment? Assuming one buys that lie in the first place.

No, it’s a ludicrous reason given by an administration led by a president who can’t tell you what day of the week it is on any given day. Folks, this is all being done by design by the people in bed with globalists whose sole goal is the destruction of the U.S. economy. You have heard the Secretary of Transportation, Mayor Pete from South Bend, tell us to “just buy an EV” and that will solve our gasoline problems.

Never mind that the average American cannot afford an EV. But that’s his simplistic answer to a very real problem. The country is being run by lunatics, or very clever evildoers masquerading as “leaders” who happen to hate America. Either way, we are heading quickly over the cliff from which we may never recover. But at least we don’t have any mean tweets. Right?

In November, the voters will have a chance to vote for more of this insanity, or to reverse course and put some adults in charge of our government, both at the state level, and nationally. How will you vote?