febrero 11, 2025

Colorado to approve a “public option”


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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In an exclusive interview with El Comercio de Colorado, the governor of Colorado spoke about his mission for 2020 and expressed strong support for beneficiaries of DACA.

Governor Jared Polis continues his efforts of reducing health care costs in his second year of office. In 2019, there was an average reduction cost of 20 percent in the medical coverage premiums. “We are really focused on reducing health care costs,” said Polis. The governor is currently evaluating the creation of public health insurance option, or “public option.”

Polis assures it is not about “socializing” health. “It’s simple market economics. When you have more choices as a consumer, insurance companies must compete for your business, which means lower prices. We estimate that a public option will ultimately save Coloradans an additional 9 to 18 percent on their individual premiums,” says the Governor.

Canadian prescription drugs

The governor indicated that this model of health care will benefit the entire population. However, Polis states that “The public option will empower folks in the 22 rural Colorado counties where there is currently only one insurer, and no other choice.” Polis also says that he will continue to work to allow the importation of prescription drugs from Canada.

“We are pursuing the necessary waivers to allow importing prescription drugs from Canada. We hope that can be finalized on 2020,” said the governor. The Trump Administration has expressed “rhetorical support” for Polis’ initiative. But the Governor ensures “What really matters is that they approve the waiver clause to allow us to save money on prescription drugs.”

Protecting Dreamers

Polis says that while his team waits for the Trump administration’s decision, they will analyze other models that can allow saving on prescription drugs. Though the governor makes it clear that he maintains his differences with the administration regarding treatment of minorities. “We strongly oppose their targeting immigrant communities,” he said.

 Polis also criticized the fact that the administration has reduced the number of refugees arriving to the US. The governor is in support of the beneficiaries of DACA and left a message for the Supreme Court related to that program. “We still need the federal government to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and I urge the Supreme Court to do the right thing and protect DREAMers,” he concluded.

Take Aways

Governor Polis is proud of his achievement to implement free and universal kindergarten in Colorado. “Families no longer have to pay three or four hundred dollars per month for kindergarten,” he said. In 2019, free programs for preschool education were expanded in Colorado. Polis wants preschool to be universal and free by 2022.

Work in progress

The project that would be the Colorado’s health insurance plan is still being developed. The program would be available for those who are going to the insurance market to buy health policies. These individuals could choose between buying insurance from the Colorado’s public plan or purchasing a private insurance plan.