febrero 15, 2025

Biden Calls for Unity and Rejection of Violence

Biden Calls for Unity and Rejection of Violence Biden llama a la unidad y al rechazo de la violencia

FROM THE OVAL OFFICE | President Joe Biden addressed Americans. (Photo/EFE)


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President Joe Biden made a call for national unity during a speech from the Oval Office of the White House. Biden urged Americans to resolve their differences “at the ballot box, not with bullets.” “In the United States, we resolve our differences at the ballot box. That’s how we do it, at the ballot box, not with bullets,” declared the president in a speech broadcast by major television networks.

The president focused his speech on national unity and the rejection of violence. He did not offer new details about the investigation into the attack on former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) in Pennsylvania. However, Biden argued that such an event obliges all Americans to “step back, take stock, and see how to move forward from here.” Biden argued that the U.S. “cannot” and “must not” delve into political violence.

Other Recent Cases

He sent condolences to the family of the Trump supporter who died in the incident. He recalled that the country has been down this path before. He cited examples of lamentable violent acts of recent memory such as the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021; the attack on the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; the attempted kidnapping of the Michigan governor; and the shooting at a congressional baseball game.

“There is no place in the United States for this type of violence, for any type of violence. Never. Period. No exceptions. We cannot allow this violence to become normalized. The political climate in this country has become very heated. It’s time to cool it down. We all have the responsibility to do so,” said Biden, who indicated that he had already spoken by phone with former President Trump.

Eliminating Extremism and Fury

Despite the “deep and strong disagreements” between the two major parties and the “high stakes in these elections,” Biden insisted on the importance of resolving differences through debates and words, without political violence. “Disagreements are inevitable. It is part of human nature, but politics should never be a battlefield and, God forbid, a slaughter field,” he emphasized.

“I believe politics should be a space for peaceful debate, to seek justice, to make decisions guided by the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Let us defend a country not of extremism and fury, but of decency and grace,” he added. Before millions of Americans, he said he was “glad” to know that [Trump] is well and assured that both he and his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, have him “in their prayers.”

Independent Commission

Biden mentioned the formation of an independent commission to evaluate the incident. “The investigation is in its early stages. We have no information about the shooter’s motives. We know who he is. I urge everyone, please, do not speculate about motives and affiliations,” said the president, who promised all necessary resources for the investigation.

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