Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado
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Governor Jared Polis issued a statewide stay-at-home order that will last until April 11, 2020. “Coloradans are living through a global pandemic and this decision was made to help save lives. We will continue doing everything we can to get the resources Colorado needs to address COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of all Coloradans. We are in this together and this is the season to stay at home to save lives,” said Polis.
This executive order means Coloradans should not be leaving their homes except for critical activities including: obtaining food and other household necessities including medicine;; seeking medical care; caring for dependents or pets; caring for a vulnerable person in another location; participating in outdoor recreation at a legally-mandated safe distance of six feet; and going to and from work if you are a critical employee.
Letter to Trump
Governor Polis requested and received dual-status commander authority to ensure unity of command, allowing regular, federal military units to be controlled by a single commander representing the Governor. This will help to eliminate confusion and conflict and allow the state to streamline the utilization of military personnel in this response.
Colorado continues facing a shortage of resources in addressing this pandemic, which is why the Governor sent a letter to the Trump administration urging the president to declare a Major Disaster for the State of Colorado. A major disaster declaration would free up resources for medical care, housing, unemployment assistance, crisis counseling, hazard mitigation and more. California, Washington and New York have received these declarations.
Test to first responders
Polis announced that the state lab has eliminated its backlog and there will be new labs coming online at the University of Colorado, Colorado State University, University Hospital, and Children’s Hospital. The Governor thanked CSU and CU for their willingness to test the personal protective equipment the private sector is ramping up that the state needs now. The governor also provided an update on the federal stimulus package which included $377 billion for small business loans and grants, $1200 in direct cash assistance to Americans based on income.
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