Redacción El Comercio de Colorado
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La agencia de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) de Estados Unidos confirmó hoy miércoles que Jeanette Vizguerra, de 53 años, sigue bajo custodia y enfrenta el riesgo de ser removida del país. En su declaración oficial, ICE informó que la activista mexicana fue arrestada el 17 de marzo en Denver sin incidentes y permanecerá detenida hasta su deportación.
La agencia detalló que Vizguerra tiene antecedentes por posesión de documentos falsificados e ingreso ilegal al país. La publicación, acompañada de una fotografía de Vizguerra, señala que su arresto responde a esas condenas previas y reitera que es considerada una persona removible bajo la ley de inmigración vigente.
ICE hizo pública esta información casi 48 horas después de la detención y se espera que en las próximas horas amplíe detalles sobre su situación legal y migratoria. Mientras tanto, el equipo legal de Vizguerra, encabezado por la abogada Laura Lichter, presentó una petición de Habeas Corpus ante un tribunal federal.
Argumentos de la defensa
Los abogados buscan frenar la deportación de la activista alegando que su detención es ilegal y carece de fundamento jurídico. Argumentan que no existe una orden de deportación vigente contra Vizguerra y que ICE estaría basando su acción en un procedimiento inválido desde 2013. La defensa sostiene que Vizguerra cumplió con una salida voluntaria otorgada en 2011.
Los abogados alegan que, desde entonces, las extensiones de suspensión de deportación otorgadas por ICE reflejan el reconocimiento de que no hay un proceso de deportación activo. Aseguran que cualquier intento de usar esa vieja orden sería una grave violación al debido proceso.
Hasta el momento no se ha informado si la Corte admitió el recurso legal o qué acciones seguirán en las próximas horas. La familia de Vizguerra, sus abogados y organizaciones defensoras de los derechos de los migrantes advierten sobre el riesgo inminente de que la activista sea deportada, lo que la separaría de sus tres hijos ciudadanos estadounidenses.
Texto de la postura de ICE sobre el caso de Jeanette Vizguerra
Statement Attributable to an ICE spokesperson: “Jeanette Vizguerra is a convicted criminal alien from Mexico who has a final order of deportation issued by a federal immigration judge. She illegally entered the United States near El Paso, Texas, on Dec. 24, 1997, and has received legal due process in U.S. immigration court.
“Under President Trump and Secretary Noem, we are once again a nation of laws. We will find, arrest, and deport illegal aliens regardless of if they were a featured ‘Time Person of the Year.’ If you come to our country illegally, we will deport you, and you will never return. The safest option for illegal aliens is to self-deport, so they still have the opportunity to return and live the American dream.”
On Background:
- On Feb 26, 2009, Arapahoe County Court, Centennial, Colo. Convicted Vizguerra of forged instrument possession.
- On Feb. 27, 2009, ICE took custody of Vizguerra from the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office pursuant to an immigration detainer.
- On March 11, 2009, Vizguerra was released from ICE custody after posting an immigration bond.
- On March 27, 2009, Arapahoe County Court convicted Vizguerra of failure to display proof of insurance and driving without a license and ordered her to pay fines.
- On Nov. 18, 2011, a federal immigration judge denied Vizguerra her application for relief from immigration proceedings but granted her a voluntary departure (considered an immigration benefit).
- She failed to depart the U.S. per the terms of the order.
- On Sept. 8, 2012, Vizguerra self-removed to Mexico.
- On April 22, 2013, U.S. Border Patrol arrested Vizguerra in Candelaria, Texas, after she illegally returned to the U.S., and referred her case for federal prosecution for illegal re-entry after removal (a felony).
- On May 1, 2013, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, Pecos Division, convicted Vizguerra of illegal entry (a misdemeanor), and sentenced her to one year of unsupervised probation.
- On May 2, 2013, Vizguerra entered ICE custody in El Paso, Texas, where her prior removal order was reinstated.
- On June 7, 2013, ICE in El Paso released Vizguerra on an order of supervision.
- On July 2, 2014, ICE granted Vizguerra application for stay of deportation until Feb. 1, 2015.
- On Feb. 20, 2015, ICE in Denver granted Vizguerra application for stay of deportation until Aug. 19, 2015.
- On Feb. 15, 2017, ERO Denver denied another application for stay of deportation. Her counsel notified ICE that she would be taking sanctuary in the First Unitarian Society Church in Denver and would not be reporting to ICE as ordered.
- On March 7, 2019, ICE denied Vizguerra application for stay of removal.
- On May 9, 2019, USCIS denied Vizguerra Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status.
- On May 22, 2019, USCIS denied Vizguerra Application for Advance Permission to Enter as Nonimmigrant.
- On June 21, 2019, Vizguerra- filed a Notice of Appeal or Motion, Form I-290B, for the May 22, 2019, denial of the Application for Advance Permission to Enter as Nonimmigrant.
- On November 4, 2019, USCIS denied the Notice of Appeal or Motion that was filed on June 21, 2019.
- On December 20, 2021, ERO Denver granted a Stay of Deportation or Removal for one year.
- On February 8, 2023, ERO Denver granted Vizguerra Application for Stay of Deportation or Removal for one year, expiring February 2024.
- On March 17, 2025, ERO Denver arrested Vizguerra and placed her into custody in the ICE Denver Contract Detention Facility.
- On March 18, 2025, Vizguerra filed a Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus with the United States District Court, District of Colorado.
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