Giuliana Day / Co-Sponsor of Initiative 120.
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Few people know one of Colorado’s dark secrets: our state is one of only seven remaining in the nation that allows abortion until the day of birth, without restrictions and for any reason. This is the violent culture that has been allowed to flourish in Colorado that not only aborts babies until birth, but also enriches individuals and organizations at the expense of the suffering of children, women, men, families and society in general.
Many women who have had abortions regret having done so. They do not always receive information about the possible physical, emotional and psychological effects of abortion. As a sponsor of this Initiative, I have been able to witness the suffering of women who chose to have an abortion and the emotional consequences for them. With the Initiative, the goal is to protect women and their babies, give them better options and help them in their difficult circumstances.

Earlier this year, the Coalition for Women and Children began the process to end late abortion in our state. The Initiative restricts abortion at 22 weeks, when an unborn baby feels pain and even earlier, and can also survive outside the uterus. A recent Gallup survey shows that 73% of Americans support abortion restrictions. Even pro-abortion people are signing our petition because they understand that babies at 22 weeks gestation are on the cusp of viability and feel pain. Many of these babies have incredible strength to survive if given the opportunity.
The Denver Post has reported that Warren Hern, the abortionist and founder of the Boulder Late Abortion Clinic in Boulder, Colorado, admitted that 1 in every 4 late abortions he commits is done in babies with Down syndrome. Hern has also announced that he performs abortions on babies who have conditions that can be corrected such as cleft lip. It is really sad that this type of procedure is allowed in our state. All children should have the same life opportunity, and this is what will be achieved if this initiative is approved.

In order to enter the election ballot, we must collect approximately 125,000 valid signatures. Any voter registered in Colorado can sign the petition. We are already working to collect them and ask the community to join our effort to obtain all signatures by the second week of February. To obtain a petition to help us with the collection of signatures, just go to the link www.duedatetoolate.com or contact me by email: [email protected], phone (720) 899-0897 Attention: Giuliana Day. With your help we will be able to foster a culture of life, love and compassion for human beings.
[email protected]
(720) 899-0897
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