RTD offers zero fare until August 31

RTD offers zero fare until August 31

ZERO FARE | Until August 31. (Photo/Courtesy of RTD)


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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RTD’s “Zero Fare for Better Air” initiative, which aims to reduce tropospheric ozone by increasing the use of public transportation, will be extended until August 31, 2023. RTD will provide bus, train, Access-a-Ride, and FlexRide services free of charge.

“Zero Fare for Better Air,” which takes place during Colorado’s peak ozone concentration months, is supported by a grant program established by Colorado Senate Bill 22-180 in partnership with the Colorado Energy Office.

Developing the habit of using public transportation

“The initiative was a success in 2022, as demonstrated by positive feedback from customers and employees and minimal disruptions to daily operations. Many thanks to RTD’s state and local partners and stakeholders for joining the agency,” said RTD’s CEO, Debra A. Johnson.

The two-month initiative offers an opportunity for individuals to take advantage of RTD services for their daily commutes, recreational activities, or daily errands. New customers can develop travel habits by learning what regular passengers already know: that using public transportation is easy and convenient.

Message from Jared Polis

“Savings, increasing access to public transportation near where people live and work, improving air quality, and addressing climate change are top priorities of our administration. We hope this program leads to an even greater number of passengers throughout Colorado,” said Governor Jared Polis.

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RTD offers zero fare until August 31

RTD offers zero fare until August 31