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By Andrea Costacamps/ Digital communications manager for The LIBRE Initiative
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Mother’s Day is typically a day to splurge. In years past it meant taking my mother out for a nice brunch, or a fancy dinner. Maybe both! But in this economy, it’s hard to justify paying the price for one restaurant meal that could easily pay for multiple home cooked meals. I’m not alone.
Polls show that inflation, jobs, and the economy are some of the most important issues for the American people heading into a critical presidential and congressional election. Unfortunately, the response from Washington policymakers is what’s needed is more of the same. President Biden has dubbed his economic policies: Bidenomics.
According to the president and his allies in Congress, the best way to grow our economy is to create more regulations while borrowing and spending more money. As a single working mother making just enough to cover the basic necessities for my family, this form of flagrant irresponsibility from Washington is incredibly infuriating.
I can only imagine the look on the face of a landlord or mortgage company representative if I told them that I am going to skip paying so I can go on a massive shopping spree. It’s unfair to pin all of the blame on President Joe Biden, but you also can’t argue with the facts:
Mothers Are Hurting Under Bidenomics
Since Joe Biden took office, overall prices are up almost 20%, and it costs American families $12,500 more per year just to maintain the quality-of-life they had in January 2021. Inflation shows little sign of easing with core inflation rising at an annual rate of 4.6% over the last 3 months which is faster than any three month period between 1991 and 2020.
The inflation rate could go to zero, and Americans would still be stuck with these higher prices. Bidenomics means Bidenflation. This new “normal” is not acceptable. It should not be ‘normal’ to be anxious, stressed, and discouraged at the grocery store or at the gas pump.
It should not be ‘normal’ to reach new heights in your career, only to be pulled down by inflation. This administration talks (so much) about helping people like me. They praise ‘Bidenomics’ using cutesy, focus-group-tested phrases like ‘building from the bottom up and middle-out’ and creating ‘breathing room’ for the everyday American.
The emptiness of these words sparks the same frustration in me as the emptiness of my wallet. Instead of thinking we can spend our way out of this economic mess, what’s needed are pro-growth economic policies that will make it easier, and not harder, for people to earn a living and keep more of their money.
Mothers Are Hurting Under Bidenomics
For example, earlier this year, President Biden and the Department of Labor issued a new rule that could force some businesses to reclassify their independent workers. As a result, some of these workers may see reduced hours or lose their jobs altogether.
This top-down one-size-fits-all regulation means that some independent contractors will have fewer worker freedoms, like having flexible work hours to meet their family’s needs. Mother’s Day should be a time for celebrating the mothers in our lives surrounded by our loved ones. It should not be stressful and a reminder of how difficult our economy is for most Americans.
But under Bidenomics, this is exactly what many mothers are feeling like this Mother’s Day.
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