octubre 22, 2024

COVID Hospitalizations Increase in Colorado

Aumentan hospitalizaciones por COVID en Colorado COVID Hospitalizations Increase in Colorado

TO BE PROTECTED | Wendy and her daughter got vaccinated against COVID at the Village Exchange Center. (Photo/El Comercio de Colorado)


Newsroom El Comercio de Colorado

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Wendy, a Venezuelan migrant who arrived in the state a few weeks ago with her daughter and husband, acknowledges she is exposed to many risks that can affect her health. “I came determined to get COVID vaccine,” she stated after attending a vaccination event at the Village Exchange Center (VEC). She said she wanted to protect her own health and that of her two-year-old daughter.

She arrived in the United States by land after traversing several countries. “We come from a different climate than we were used to. Since I arrived, the baby has been quite sick. We want to be protected, both she and I.” Wendy aims to strengthen her defenses to face the winter and prevent possible complications if they were to fall ill.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlight a compromised immune system as a significant risk factor. This could be the case for Wendy and her daughter, having exposed their bodies to a long journey and subsequently being in contact with many people in shelters or hotels where migrants are hosted.

Multiple doses for minors

Both Wendy and her daughter were able to get vaccinated at the VEC. This Venezuelan mother had already been vaccinated and received two boosters in her home country. For her daughter, this was the first time getting vaccinated. Children aged 6 months to 4 years should receive two or three doses of the updated COVID-19 vaccine, depending on the vaccine they receive.

If the vaccine the child receives is Pfizer-BioNTech, a second dose should be administered between three and eight weeks after the first. Additionally, these minors should receive a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine about eight weeks after the second dose. In the case of the Moderna vaccine, minors will only receive two doses.

The second dose of the Moderna vaccine for children under 6 should be received between four and eight weeks after the first. The CDC emphasizes that vaccination is essential to protect the most vulnerable, such as minors. Many children have been severely affected by the new variants of COVID.

Increased risks of COVID contagion

Wendy’s decision to get vaccinated is particularly well thought out. According to data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), there was a 3 percent increase in hospitalizations of COVID patients during the first week of December 2023. This data calls for alarm.

Due to the arrival of winter and amid the holiday season, the risks of COVID contagion increase. In this context, the vaccine emerges as a crucial tool to combat the spread of the virus. “I had family and acquaintances who died from COVID. I am obligated to protect myself and my family,” Wendy concluded.

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